Movimiento Juvenil Martiano

Organization that brings together children, adolescents and young people, and carries out various activities related to the life and work of José Martí (1853-1895). It was created on January 28, 1989 by the Union of Young Communists. The Movement seeks to promote the study, research and dissemination of the life and work of the Cuban Apostle, as well as the highest values of the Cuban nation; and contribute to the formation of humanist, patriotic and revolutionary sentiments and practices in our children, adolescents and youth based on the thought of José Martí, other heroes of our independence and the teachings of Fidel. Also, it seeks to forge a path to reach the NEW MAN, Marti´s HOMAGNO and contribute to the formation of a solid comprehensive general culture in the new generations, through habits of reading, study and reflection on fundamental issues they face in daily life.