Omar Felipe Mauri Sierra

Cuban writer born in Bejucal, municipality of the former Havana province, current Mayabeque province, Cuba; Noted for his artistic life in which he has achieved great merits as a book writer, in addition to having publications for the national press. He entered UNEAC on December 12, 1987. Narrator. He is currently the President of UNEAC in the province of Havana. National Prize for Children's Literature "La Edad de Oro" for his book of stories "Someone erases the stars" (1993, with two editions, and awarded with "La Rosa Blanca" from UNEAC in 1997) and in 1995 with "Cuentos para do not believe". He has founded and directed the literary collection "Valle" in Bejucal, the publishing house "La puerta de papel" in Havana, as well as the Cultural Supplement "Tertulia H" of the provincial newspaper.