Orestes Suárez Lemus

After leaving his job as an electrician for health reasons, his debut as an illustrator came by chance in 1977, at the José Marti Pioneers Organization, for which he volunteered. Subsequently, he began his collaboration with Editora Abril, making several illustrations for the magazine Pionero and, later, for Pásalo, El Guía and Zunzún. For the Pablo de la Torriente publishing house, Camila, Yakro, Vitralitos and some episodes of the comic dedicated to Pablo de la Torriente, a Cuban-Puerto Rican journalist who died in the Spanish Civil War. He has also worked for foreign publishers, specifically from Mexico, Spain and Italy. For the Italian publisher Sergio Bonelli Editore has drawn several stories of Mister No since 1995 and two of Tex since 2010.