Tomás Cárdenas García

From 1962 he surrendered to political life as a professional cadre of the Association of Young Rebels in the former province of Las Villas and became part of the National Committee of that youth organization. In the ranks of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), which he joined in 1969, he would occupy different responsibilities, until he became First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party and delegate in congresses I, II, III and IV of the Party, and in the latter two elected as a member of the Central Committee. Deputy in several legislatures of the National Assembly, since its constitution, in 1976, in which he served for 15 years as president of the Commission of Local Organs. As a deputy, he also chaired the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Venezuela and represented the National Assembly in several Parlatino meetings. He passed away on July 20, 2019.