Armando Vargas Araya

Costa Rican journalist, politician and writer, expert in infocommunications. He became a member of the Costa Rican Language Academy in December 2007, with his speech "The Gospel of Don Florencio", which was answered by the academic Alberto F. Cañas. He occupies the U chair of this institution. Editor in Chief for Latin America of the British news agency Reuters, Buenos Aires. Among his most notable works are "Battles for Neutrality and Peace" (1985),"Telestroika and development" (1989), "The century of Figueres and other political texts" (1993) ,"Idearium maceísta" (2002), "The Costa Rican way" (2005), "Dr. Zambrana: father and teacher of Costa Rican republican democracy" (2006). For his outstanding work, he received the "National History Award from the Academy of Geography and History of Costa Rica", to which he belongs since May 2015 as a full member.