Yuri Díaz

I work in the cartoon department of the ICRT Animation Studios of the ICAIC. He has published illustrations in the magazines Zunzún, Somos Jóvenes and miNatura (digital). He published with the Editorial Pablo de la Torriente Entre dos mundos Entre dos mundos y otras aventuras, his most recent science fiction comic book. He also worked for about 15 years as an illustrator in the magazine Juventud Técnica de la Casa Editora Abril, and among his awards, he obtained the category of best illustration in the III International Prize of Electronic Publishers, 2010. As a member of the Nuevos Trazos group (to which recognized Cuban illustrators such as Jesús Rodríguez, Ángel Hernández, Ángel Velazco, Joel Pernas also belong), he participated in 2011 in the project coordinated by the cartoonist Maikel García Humboldt in black and white, a biography of the famous scientist Alexander von Humboldt with drawings by Cuban illustrators and cartoonists. It is also a member of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC) and the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC).