Eduardo Torres Cuevas

Cuban academic, historian and university professor. Number Member of the Cuban Academy of Language. Full Professor and Doctor in Historical Sciences. National History Award, Félix Varela Award. He serves as President of the Don Fernando Ortiz House of Higher Studies; director of the magazine Debates Americanos and the publishing house Imagen Contemporánea. He is a member of the National Commission of Scientific Degrees of the Republic of Cuba, of the National Court of History for the defense and granting of scientific degrees and of the advisory councils of the Editorial Ciencias Sociales, the Center for Martí Studies and the Institute of History of Cuba. Cuba. He is a deputy to the National Assembly of People's Power since the VII Legislature. Elected member of the Council of State in the extraordinary session of the IX Legislature of the National Assembly of Popular Power held on October 10, 2019, a position he held until 2023. Re-elected Deputy to the National Assembly of Popular Power for the Santiago municipality of Cuba, province of Santiago de Cuba, on March 26, 2023 for the X Legislature.