Eloisa M Carreras Varona

Editor and writer, researcher for more than two decades of the life and work of Armando Hart and founder of the Hermanos Saíz Association. She is the wife and companion in battles of Doctor Armando Hart Dávalos. She has a PhD in Philosophical Sciences from the University of Havana and a Master's in Philosophy from the Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is a researcher at the José Martí National Library of Cuba (BNCJM) and director of the Chronicles Project. She has been a professor of History of the Cuban Revolution, Philosophy and Aesthetics. She is the founder of the Hermanos Saíz Association, of which she was president. For her outstanding work, she received numerous awards: Annual Cultural Research Award, 2002; Elena Gil Ibero-American Ethics Award, 2008; National Award of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, 2013.