Enrique J. Gómez

PhD in Sociological Sciences (2015). Master's Degree in Community Social Development (2009). Full Professor linked to university teaching since 2004. Researcher at the Center for Psychological and Sociological Research since 2013. Full Professor linked to university teaching since 2004. Member of the faculty of the PhD in Social Development of the University of Camagüey and of the curricular PhD in Development Community College from the Central University of Las Villas, a master's degree in Health for the development of Community Genetics, and the Cuban Society Diploma that is taught at CIPS. He currently serves as Scientific Deputy Director and coordinator of the Social Policy and Inequalities Group, vice president of the Scientific Council and member of the Academic Committee of the "Cuban Society" Diploma. His research activity has been linked to issues of public policy, social work, community development, citizenship training, development problems and socio-structural dynamics in contemporary Cuba.
